[STCONGL.TXT] STANDARD CONTEST GUIDELINES 1. Make sure your log details the date, time, band, call sign and complete exchange sent and received for each QSO claimed for contest credit. 2. Your summary sheet should indicate your score, including how you figured it and a declaration that you followed FCC/DOC regulations and the contest rules. Your name, call sign, and complete address should be typed or printed in block letters. 3. Crossband, crossmode and repeater contacts are usually not permitted. Contacts with the same station on different bands are usually permitted. 4. Your log should be checked carefully for duplicate QSOs and if more than 200 QSOs are made, dupe sheets should be included with your entry. 5. Your log may be considered a checklog or disqualified if it is incomplete or if too many errors are detected by the contest committee. 6. Avoid standard net frequencies. 7. International contests generally offer awards to top scores from each US call area and each country, state QSO parties to each state/province. 8. Your summary sheet should include the following statement: "I have observed all competition rules and all regulations established for Amateur Radio in my country." The declaration should be signed and dated. Reprinted from: QST, Nov 1990, Page 86